Sale or Purchase

Assessment of Value for both Vendors and buyers alike is what we do. Often for Sale or Purchase an independent viewpoint is what is required, not influenced by the motivation

of any particular party or large commissions, our Registered Valuers can give an honest independent assessment that can be relied upon by both Vendor and purchaser alike.

Renovation / Building Projects

Planning a renovation or new build can come at a high cost. We can assess your plans to accurately ascertain the added value and Completed Value of the project. An accurate assessment prior to undertaking a project

can help with Financing requirements but also an understanding the implications of overspending by comparison to added value of the proposed works.

Progress Payments/Completion Certificates

Assessment of Progress Payment certificates and Completion Certificates for development works is undertaken after the initial Valuation assessment from Development Plans for a projected Build

We will ke into account the overall cost and Value of the project, then consider the Progress undertaken and the costs to Complete the project, this for bank security purposes.


Insurance Valuations based on likely costs to reinstate an asset are increasingly important as building costs can and have risen at rates considerably greater than recent inflation figures. Annual assessment of the Replacement Cost for Insurance is something we undertake for many Unit Titled properties however

is something every Residential Property owner should undertake on a semi regular basis not that Insurance Companies insure on a total sum insured basis, and that sum insured being supplied by the home owner that may not fully understand the implications and costs associated with rebuilding their asset.

Statement of Position

Valuations for Statements of Position both for annual accounting and family trusts is something undertaken by Edwards Valuations. Ranging from

single property assessments through to multi unit blocks and whole street assessments is something we undertake for clients on a yearly basis.


Independent assessment of the Family Home and other Residential assets for Matrimonial settlement purposes needs an accurate and un influenced approach/assessment to ensure accuracy and fairness to the settlement of shared assets. Edwards Valuations understands

the stresses involved in these proceedings and can help by providing an unbiased opinion as to value. This can also be the case when parties agree to start sharing an asset and require an independent valuation for the partial sale of a Residential asset.

Family Trust

Sale of an asset to or from a Family Trust needs an accurate assessment of Market Value on which

to base the transfer price. At Edwards Valuations we can provide that accurate and independent assessment .

Unit Title

From the initial issue of Unit Titles where independent assessment of the Unit Entitlements are required through to Replacement

Insurance cost assessment, we understand and can complete the required valuations for all facets of Unit Title associated requirements.

Statutory Requirements

Taxation assessments of value for both the New Zealand system as well as international tax requirements can be undertaken by the Registerd Valuers

at Edwards Valuations. Accurate, independent assessment of Fair Market Value to satisfy any Statutory requirement.


It is not uncommon for land to be required by council and government departments, either in part or in whole for public works. We understand the Compensation

requirements under the likes of the Public Works Act and other legislation when Compensation based on market valuation is required.

Understanding Residential Property
Values Requires a Strong Overview

Edwards is the name you can trust when comes to valuing your home. Call it an Appraisal, call it a Valuation but it’s Current Market Value that you need and we know

Auckland. Our Registered Valuers, have over 25 years experience in the Auckland City suburbs and are here to help you today with a fast and accurate service.